Don’t Be Afraid to Start Over Again

You worked hard but come on, let’s be real
You’ve got issues, don’t aim too high
Surprised? To learn that some wounds just don’t heal
You’re not meant for this job, why even apply?
You don’t have experience, you don’t have a trade
How can you possibly expect to get paid?

No hope to cast off past failures that haunted
And right now, you’re tempted to put down the pen
You’re drained, unwanted
But don’t be afraid to start over again!

You mean well but do you have what it takes?
When everyone’s blaming you, to just get out of bed
Whenever there’s pressure, you start getting the shakes
How long till they find out, what’s wrong in your head?
They won’t let you stay, it’s over, you’re done
You’ll wonder if they don’t want you, will anyone?

Desperate to forget the bully who taunted
And right now, you’re tempted to put down the pen
You’re beaten, unwanted
But don’t be afraid to start over again!

You’re a nice guy but you’re not a man
I think that you knew that we’d be only friends
You’re forever a boy, just like Peter Pan
These ignorant delights, have tragic ends
Now that you know what you’re really worth
It’s time for Pan to come back down to earth

In envy of rivals, their victories flaunted
And right now, you’re tempted to put down the pen
You’re broken, unwanted
But don’t be afraid to start over again!

I fail, come back and fail some more
I’m not going away till you open my door
And fall as I may, I’ll fall to land on my back and won’t let up
Because as long as I’m able to look up, I’ll get up
And I’m still not through, cause nothing said about me so far has been true
And what I plan to do, is far more important than me, or you

Bring on misfortune! I’ll push on undaunted
Come too far now to put down the pen
This time I’ll do what I always wanted!
I won’t be afraid to start over again!
